Utilizing Web Components 21 | 09 | 2023

Web Components: Revolutionizing Web Development With Custom Elements

In the world of web design, basic HTML pages are a thing of the past, as everything is experiencing a transformation. Online storefronts are being constructed, as well as advanced AI functions, among other things. The techniques and resources for developing websites have evolved along with the rise of the digital age.

Therefore, web development has expanded into a multifaceted industry. Modern innovations in online shop design, content presentation, and marketing have made websites the principal communication channel with consumers. Yet progress in this direction has been a whirlwind of novel concepts, problems, and ongoing education.

In this article, we will cover the following subtopics:

  • web components in general;
  • the three main technologies of web components;
  • how web components can be utilized and their purpose;
  • advantages of custom components.

After all, we should have a better understanding of the concept and basic knowledge to be able to make an informed decision when we decide to use them in our projects.

What Are Web Components?

Web components are recyclable client-side elements that adhere to official web standards and are recognized by each of the main web browsers. They’re a great approach to isolate functionality from the rest of our code. Furthermore, we can utilize them across all web applications and web pages.

Web components let us build web apps or sites without using any frameworks or tools for the front end. This makes them a great choice for building parts that can be shared widely or used in multiple projects.

Web components’ main advantage is that we can use them everywhere. With any kind of architecture, or even without one.

What Are the Three Primary Technologies for Web Components?

Web components are based on the use of three main technologies. By combining them, we can create custom elements with encapsulated functionality from the rest of our code:

  • custom elements;
  • HTML templates;
  • shadow DOM.

Custom Elements

The creation of reusable web components benefits from the use of custom elements. They also enable programmers to create new HTML tags. Additionally, it has been said that a collection of JavaScript APIs enables us to create unique components. The nice aspect is that we can make use of them whatever we want in our user interface.

Shadow DOM

The function of the shadow DOM tree is to link the elements of the ordinary DOM trees to the concealed DOM trees. We must be aware that a shadow root serves as the origin. We are free to attach any items under that root. This is closer to a typical DOM tree.

This enables us to protect the privacy of elemental characteristics. As a consequence, we can write and design them without worrying about them colliding with other components.

HTML Templates

We can create markup templates using the HTML elements “slot” and “template”. On the rendered page, some templates are not visible. The fact that we can utilize them so often is the nicest part. As the foundation of the construction of the custom parts, we can claim that these components are reusable.

Utilizing Web Components Agiliway

How Can Web Components Be Utilized and Their Purpose?

This topic is still being addressed among the developers. Is it crucial to utilize web components? Or what is the function of web components?

We must be aware that their usage has surged in recent years. In various applications, the benefits of web components have become increasingly valuable.

  • Initially, they offer prefabricated components that are compatible with a wide range of configurations. This is the reason why libraries and frameworks can share code.
  • Utilizing web components enables cross-platform compatibility and brand consistency.
  • The primary objective is to divide a complicated web structure into reusable components.
  • It has a smaller JavaScript footprint, which is essential for a fast website.

You can use a custom element simply by importing it and applying new tags in the HTML document. However, the methods for installing custom elements may differ. Most items today can be installed using NPM, but it is recommended to refer to README to find the commands to install a specific item. You can also install component dependencies using NPM.

In general, using a custom element is no different than using a <div> or any other element. Instances can be declared on the page, created dynamically in JavaScript, attached to event listeners, and more.

What are the Advantages of Web Components?

Some of the most frequent benefits of web components are compatibility, reusability, native browser support, linking to a specific custom element, etc.

1. Compatible With Various Frameworks

We can utilize web components with any framework because we know they are extremely reusable. These include Angular, React, and Vue. In addition, we must be aware that it is also possible for them to function without any frameworks. This is the most significant advantage, as it increases the adaptability of web components.

2. HTML Regular

We must be aware that web components offer native browser support. They utilize standard JavaScript and CSS, in addition to HTML specifications.

3. Simple To Reuse and Share

As developers, we recognize the significance of collaborating with multiple ecosystems or initiatives utilizing diverse technology platforms. Here, web components come in handy. Moreover, it makes it simpler to manage those initiatives through higher reusability and shareability.

4. No Complicated Conditions

Web components allow us to link to a particular custom element. Furthermore, it does not necessitate incorporating intricate dependencies into our project. This is a significant distinction compared to prevalent frameworks.


Components have transformed the process of development by encouraging reuse, modularity, scalability, and consistency.

Component-driven programming has a steep learning curve and early setup time, but the long-term advantages significantly exceed these drawbacks. Custom web development enables us to create reliable and easy-to-maintain applications that provide a seamless and engaging digital experience for end users.

Developers and companies may achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and adaptability in their projects by making use of custom web components.

READ ALSO: Advantages of using microservice architecture for building a robust and scalable system

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