05 | 02 | 2020

January Tech News Overview


On entering the new 2020, it would be great to start a new tradition concerning monthly technical reports writing. January has just passed leaving behind a number of interesting and useful facts to familiarize yourself with and to stay tuned. 



Apple redesigned its Maps application with a number of new features being added and improved: clearer and more comprehensive road and nearby infrastructure visualization, more accurate navigation system, etc.

The company rebuilt the Maps app from the ground up by sending hundreds of planes and cars with custom and lidar sensors over four million miles of the country, it announced last year.

READ MORE: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/30/tech/apple-maps-rollout-redesign/index.html


In January, Canonical introduced a scalable Android-based platform. The operating system is an innovative one as it is the first commercially available computing platform of such type. It enables the app to work with any operating system.

“The platform is innovative in that it uses Android as a guest OS for mobile application virtualization in the cloud,” – said Galem Kayo, product manager for Ubuntu at Canonical.

READ MORE: https://www.linuxinsider.com/story/86467.html


Huawei announced its release of HMS 4.0 by organizing a special event in London. It claimed its intention to replace Google services with its own platform called HMS (Huawei Mobile Services) What is more, Huawei unveiled certain plans on developing engineers’ and customers’ engagement as well as HMS promotion.

Huawei claims it has already witnessed substantial growth in the number of developers supporting their platform. The company says around 55,000 apps have now signed up to the free HMS Core.

READ MORE: https://www.developer-tech.com/news/2020/jan/17/huawei-google-plans-release-hms-core-40/


In its turn, Google announced a new online coding course focused on staff training. This is a special program worked out to provide a worker with job skills in Git, Python and IT automation in six-month timespan.

“Python is now the most in-demand programming language, and more than 530,000 U.S. jobs, including 75,000 entry-level jobs require Python proficiency. With this new certificate, you can learn Python, Git and IT automation within six months,” – said Natalie Van Kleef Conley Product Lead, Grow with Google.

READ MORE: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/software/google-introduces-online-coding-course-to-train-workers/articleshow/73321573.cms


Finally, a piece of 2020 prediction and planning: “2020 Enterprises will unlock hidden value in their own workforces”. What is the true meaning of the message?  It deals with a so-called skill gap; an issue regarding fast evolving innovative digital technologies and not trained enough personnel. This year will be hallmarked by consistent and effective work dedicated to the gap gradual but consistent elimination; to make employees perfectly fit into modern progress tendencies.

READ MORE: https://www.technewsworld.com/story/86437.html

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