Angular vs AngularJS Development 17 | 11 | 2023

Pros and Cons of Angular Development

Angular is a popular front-end web development framework that is mostly oriented toward creating complex websites and learning this language may be challenging. It is known for its strong performance, scalability, and features. However, Angular also has some drawbacks, such as its complexity and learning curve. Before using Angular in your next project, it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

In this article, we make an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of Angular in tech and general aspects. But before we start, let’s dive into the history of Angular and define the differences between Angular and AngularJS.

The History of Angular

The origins of Angular can be traced back to 2009 when a team of Google engineers created AngularJS, a framework for building web applications. AngularJS, a framework for web development, was introduced to the public in 2010 and acquired popularity quite rapidly.

Google nonetheless made a public announcement in 2014 that it intended to completely rewrite AngularJS. In 2016, the Angular framework was introduced. It was completely redesigned from the ground up, with a focus on speed and scalability and a new architecture.

Since its initial release, Angular has been continuously updated and improved. The most recent version of Angular includes numerous new features and enhancements, such as improved performance, increased TypeScript compatibility, and the introduction of a novel router. It is utilized by businesses of all sizes, ranging from modest firms to multinational conglomerates. Popular online platforms and services, such as Google Search, YouTube, and Gmail, make extensive use of Angular.

Angular vs AngularJS

Angular and AngularJS are two prominent frameworks used in the domain of front-end web development. However, these two are completely separate entities.

Angular is a distinct iteration of AngularJS, which has been developed using the TypeScript programming language. The structure of the system exhibits novel architectural features, while its design prioritizes performance and scalability. TypeScript is an extension of the JavaScript programming language that incorporates additional functionalities, including but not limited to type safety.

AngularJS is a well-established framework that continues to enjoy widespread popularity. Moreover, it might be argued that AngularJS exhibits a lower level of scalability compared to Angular. It is noteworthy to mention that the discontinuation of the distribution of patches and updates for AngularJS occurred on December 31, 2021.

The table below encapsulates the primary differentiations between Angular and AngularJS.

Angular vs AngularJS

Pros of Angular Development:

  • Angular provides a structured framework that promotes a clearly defined and organized methodology for web development. The software system adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which advocates for a distinct segregation of responsibilities. This facilitates the ability of developers to effectively structure and maintain their code, leading to the creation of more streamlined and adaptable programs.
  • Angular’s inherent dependency injection framework facilitates the seamless management and injection of dependencies across diverse components. This practice enhances the reusability and testability of code by enabling the substitution of dependencies as required.
  • Angular’s two-way data binding architecture facilitates the automated synchronization between the model and the display. This implies that modifications made to the model are promptly manifested in the view, and conversely, minimizing the need for human manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) is a comprehensive tool that streamlines the process of project initialization, development, and testing. The tool produces a standardized code template and offers a range of instructions for producing components, modules, services, and other elements, therefore enhancing developer efficiency and reducing their workload.
  • Angular has a robust and thriving community and ecosystem, hence facilitating the availability of comprehensive documentation, a plethora of tutorials, and an abundance of third-party libraries and plugins that augment the framework’s functionalities.
  • Cross-platform development refers to the practice of creating software programs that can run on many operating systems or platforms. Angular allows developers to construct not just web applications but also desktop and mobile applications. This is made possible by the use of frameworks such as Electron and NativeScript, which leverage Angular’s ability to facilitate code and component sharing across different platforms.
  • Angular is developed using TypeScript, which is a statically typed extension of JavaScript. TypeScript facilitates the detection of faults throughout the development process and offers enhanced tooling support, hence simplifying the maintenance and scalability of projects.

Cons of Angular Development

  • The learning curve of Angular is more pronounced in comparison to some other JavaScript frameworks, such as React. Its broad feature set and complicated design might be daunting for novices, which could result in a prolonged onboarding period.
  • Angular apps sometimes have a greater amount of boilerplate code in comparison to other frameworks, resulting in a bigger codebase that might be more challenging to maintain. Although the Command Line Interface (CLI) assists in the generation of code, it may nonetheless provide some drawbacks for certain developers.
  • The use of Angular’s two-way data binding and comprehensive framework capabilities may result in performance overhead, particularly when dealing with bigger applications. Thorough optimization and performance tweaking are often necessary to address this issue.
  • Angular applications mostly generate content on the client side, which may result in suboptimal SEO capabilities by default. Additional work is required to guarantee the appropriate implementation of search engine optimization, a factor that may not be of equal importance across different projects.
  • The process of updating between major versions of Angular might provide challenges due to the potential need for substantial code modifications. This phenomenon may result in compatibility challenges with external libraries and need additional maintenance efforts.
  • Angular apps sometimes exhibit a more substantial bundle size, leading to extended initial load times for customers. This may not be optimal for initiatives that have stringent performance criteria.


Angular is a very resilient and versatile framework designed to develop the user interface of web applications. It is very suitable for the development of large and intricate applications that need exceptional speed and scalability. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that Angular may not be the most suitable choice for every project. Before starting to develop a new project, it is essential for developers to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of Angular.

If you haven’t decided on the best framework for you, feel free to consult with our IT experts with over 25 years of expertise in this sphere. The Agiliway team helps you to determine which framework is best for project development.

READ ALSO: Web Components: Revolutionizing Web Development With Custom Elements

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